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A member registered Jul 15, 2022

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Thank you! Actually we were developing a tutorial but we didn't have the time to add it to the published release. The game can be played with different objectives in mind so someone can play it to get least shots, max accuracy, high score, or less time. It's up to you how you will challenge yourself! ;)

The concept is not new or fresh but you have implemented it AMAZINGLY WELL. I added this game to my collection, one of the best games of the jam. Can't believe you made it in 48hs, looks very polished! Very good job.

Seems like this is an animation or self playing game? Also the game sounds are very annoying.

Loved the game mechanics. Need a restart button after win/loose, exit button and the damage system doesn't work some times but it's a very cool concept, well done!.

On the level of the elevator can't figure out how to bring it down. I was on the platform and it pushed me away so I felt and I wasn't able to restart (even after died, the platform didn't restore the position). Very nice concept but wasn't able to test it beyond that point.

Unfortunately the game doesn't work well. Some buttons doesn't react to click and there is no explanation of the game.

The game mechanic is good but it's used on other games (Plants vs Zombies with a few changes). The best of this game is the art, really good job on that!

You uploaded the wrong file! :(

Thanks for you comment! Yes, we have been inspired by Bubble Trouble and Pang to make this game, awesome games!

Hope you enjoy the game as us when made it! Feel free to give us feedback about what did you liked, what you didn't and if you found any bugs.

Thanks for your time!